"His photography trademarks are attention-based dynamism, relationships, sex and boundaries that are transgressed and connected to beautiful men, beautiful women and/or ugly emotions - depending on his or your deception..." (Credit: Fitze Fischer) He works with clients, agencies or magazines like ASICS, BECK's, BMW, Coca-Cola, KAPPA, Deutsche Bahn, SEAT, Volksbank, Microsoft, Men's Health, Cosmopolitan, ELLE, Rolling Stone, Stern, Spiegel, VICE or many more...

Represented by Kelly Kellerhoff - www.kellykellerhoff.de



Phillip Gätz – born in 1983, he was raised in small, but lovely town called Brockhagen, Germany. And always proud of it.

Started to work as a freelance photographer in 2010. Works and lives right now in Hamburg, Germany.

Studied during 2007-2011 Photography & Media at FH Bielefeld, University of Applied Siences. Final Degree: Diploma with his damn long walk once across the country, north to south, titled: www.reiseindenverstand.de followed 10 years later by the reportage-project www.fahrtindenverstand.de traveling one month with a containership from Hamburg to Buenos Aires, powered by HamburgSüd, Olympus Cameras & Globetrotter.

If you are interested in selected and affordable FineArt Prints please visit the Online Gallerie Campus.Editionen

Some selected images are available via PlainPicture for licensed editorial- and commercial-usage.


2009: “Undisziplinierte Bilder” – 30. Bielefelder Fotosymposium,
Galerie Lampingstraße, Bielefeld 

2010: “Das vertraut-fremde Deutschland” – Lichtbildnerei Füssen
Schirmherr: Stadt Füssen

2011:  “Das vertraut-fremde Deutschland” – Rathaus Steinhagen
Schirmherr: Gemeinde Steinhagen /

2011: “Das vertraut-fremde Deutschland” – Mellow Gold, Bielefeld

2013: "Treukopf" www.treukopf.de - Fabrik der Künste, Hamburg

2013: "NDR Charity ft. Alida Gundlach - Fabrik der Künste, Hamburg

2013: "Treukopf" www.treukopf.de - IHK, Lüneburg

2014: "Open Show" www.openshow.org Loft23, Hamburg
2015: "MC1R" www.mc1r-magazine.com Island Galery, Hamburg
2017: "09. Aufschlag BFF" www.bff.de Barlach Halle K, Hamburg

2018: "10. Aufschlag BFF" www.bff.de Barlach Halle K, Hamburg

2021: "12. Aufschlag BFF" www.bff.de Hamburg Messe, Hamburg

2022: Lehrauftrag an der FH Bielefeld, Fachbereich Gestaltung